Thursday, May 27, 2021

School, Pandemic, & Prejudices

May 26, 2021 Thursday Morning 8:52 a.m. Good morning! I am so glad that school will be done soon because this year has been nuts! The four hour sessions at the school and then coming home to do more, virtually! The older middle school and high school kids do four hours and then they are done for the day. The elementary school kids have to get online to continue schooling at home til 3:45. What sense does that make? First of all it messes up how I try to plan my days. If I try to go anywhere after my youngest gets off the bus at 1:20, I have to rush back so she can logon by 2:30. It's just very annoying because I can't really get many errands done until after 4 p.m. I know one thing, I pray that God blows Covid19 back to the pit of hell from whence it came! This terrible pandemic has turned the world upside down and has literally changed life as we have known it. So much loss all over the world, wether it be via death, businesses, jobs, education, your mind! Racism and hate is on the rise something fierce. I pray that our young children will strive to make this world a better place for their children. If we could just stamp out racism that would be half the battle right there! People are afraid of who doesn't look like themselves. The wealthy is prejudice against the unwealthy. The wicked are against the saints, this race is against that race. Come on, really people? Many lives were lost from pandemic but prejudice has been murdering folks for centuries! My husband and I have always taught out children that no one person or race of people are better than the other. God created all men, women and chidren,equal! They were taught and brought up to respect their elders, authority, others and themselves. I hope that all children are being taught that at home and school. A simple "Treat others the way you want to be treated in return" lesson will do! Please and thank you! God bless! T.D.

Friday, October 30, 2020

School and Covid19

Good morning, This Covid19 has been reaking havoc all over the country! It has changed the game of life as we've known it. Starting with school issues! The kids have been doing virtual schooling snce last spring. A lot of schools have tried opening and had to close shortly after. Students and faculty alike were catching the virus. Now, our township is about to open our schools back up on November 16. I am praying everyone stays healthy and no one catches the virus. We will see how it goes. For now, have a wonderful weekend! T.D.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

2017-2018 School Year

Good morning!
        Today is the first day of high school for my youngest son, Isaiah. He will have his hands full this year. He has to adjust to more class and homework and playing football. He has honors classes this year so I'm guessing the work will be a little harder. I pray the mercies of God be with him. Faith is starting 1st grade and this will be her first time having a full day at school. She was very excited this morning and I pray she keeps that same excitement about school all year long. MiAsha starts 4th grade this year and I am praying for a successful year for all three of them.

Friday, September 16, 2016

2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR

      It's September again and the school year has begun! So far everything is okay at school but not so much with the school bus. My daughter was having issues with a child bothering her over the years. The problem has escalated a bit starting last year. This little boy is always bothering her and now has graduated to putting his hands on her. Pushing her, snatching her backpack and throwing it at her. I have already spoken to the parents on more than one occasion but things aren't changing for the better. Now this same little boy's younger sister is on the bus and so is my other daughter. The two younger girls were getting along fine and now he has been making the little sister be mean to my youngest daughter on the bus. I am getting a bit annoyed because my daughter is really loving her first experience of school and riding the bus until this started happening. My oldest daughter was loving school to until this kid started bothering her on the way to and from school on the bus. I will speak with the parents once more and if things don't change for the better I will have to take things up a notch. I don't like to make waves for anyone but my kids deserve to go to school happy so they can learn and focus. Enough is enough! I will not tolerate bullying!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

B2School 2016

  It's that time again, the last day of Summer for the kiddies and the nightmare better know as school begins. Getting the school clothes and the supplies really puts a tight grip on the wallets of those who have multiple children to buy for. I should know because my coffee money has taken a big hit!! Lol I haven't had Starbucks in about a month and Dunkin Donuts in about a week. Momma is not happy!!! Lol  Wishing all the kids a great school year and the parents I pray God gives you patience and more patience to deal with all the new drama ahead in this upcoming school year.

God bless!

Tamika Davis

Monday, December 15, 2014

Annoyed with it.....

            I am totally annoyed with all the homework my child is getting lately. The year started off with 2 homework papers a night and today we had 6. She is in school all day doing work then you send her home with a lot more. I can't even get mad with her for feeling like she is sick of seeing work. Just sitting with her while she is doing it is annoying. Another thing I can't stand is when they send the children home with so much homework when they are on a break from school. If you go away you have to pull them away from fun time to do school work. She is 6 not 16!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kindergarten has changed

    It's amazing how things are so different in the schools these days. I understand that things are ever changing as the years go by, but some things shouldn't change so drastically. When we were in Kindergarten it was a full day of school, not this 2.5hrs a day they have now. We also went to Kindergarten to be taught our ABC's and 123's. At this day and age they want the children to know letters, numbers, shapes, colors, how to use scissors, and how to read when they get to Kindergarten! If your child doesn't know all these things and more or else they want to label them and place them in some sort of special education program. If you have to teach your child all this before they even get to kindergarten what are they going to school for?